Explaining Our Hope

March 18, 2021
Explaining Our Hope
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Explaining Our Hope

Mar 18 2021 |


Show Notes

God created us in His image. He created us to trust in Him and not to worry about what the future might hold. At the dawn of creation, Adam and Eve didn’t spend their days stressing over the unknown. They knew God would provide for them: He had provided them with each other, and He had crafted the earth with fruits and nourishment.

But when Adam and Eve ate from the tree, they showed a distrust of God. They took their future into their own hands. And now, many of us spend so much of our time fearing what lies around the bend.

Think about it. How often is the future at the forefront of your mind? How often do you find yourself spiraling into fear as the questions pile on top of each other? “What if I don’t score well on my SATs?” “What if I choose the wrong college?” “What if I never have any real friends?” “What if this isn’t God’s plan for my life?”

Friends, take a deep breath. The future can be scary—especially when times are uncertain and you can’t see what’s right around the corner. You are not alone in your fear of the unknown. Giving up control is a challenge for all of us.

But trust is so much more powerful than fear. When we fully put our trust in God, we see that He is strong and good and peace and joy, all at once. We can be expectant that God is working good through our circumstances because our God is a God of hope (Romans 8:28-30). We can be brave when we face the unknown, because God is with us, goes before us, and is at work in all the details, bringing about His good kingdom purposes. He knows all, even when we don’t. For God, there is no such thing as an unknown.

Give your fear of the future to God, and trust Him to “make your paths straight†(Proverbs 3:6). • Becca Wierwille

• When you think about the future and all that is unknown, what kinds of thoughts come to your mind? Write down the thoughts that are filled with fear instead of trust.

• Reread today’s Scripture passages. How can these promises from God combat the lies at the root of your fears?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)


Read Verses:

1 Peter 3:14-22

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