Do you ever hear the phrase “God knows the number of hairs on your head”
and think to yourself, “Really? Why would God need to know that about me?
Or why would He even care?”
Psalm 139 talks about the intimate way God knows us. We are His creation,
and He knits us together before we’re born. God cares about the small
details in your life, and throughout His Word He has shown His love in the
small things.
For example, in the Old Testament, God had the Israelites wander in the
wilderness for forty years before they could enter the land He had promised
them. And during that time, God made it so their shoes and clothes didnot
wear out. I’ve never had a pair of shoes last more than five or ten years,
let alone forty. Even when the Israelites were wandering through the
desert, God still paid attention to their needs, down to the very soles of
their shoes.
In the New Testament, Jesus (who is fully God) also demonstrated this
special attention to the details of the lives of those around Him. Through
one of His miracles, He made sure everybody in a hungry crowd had lunch.
When Jesus performed the miracle of feeding over five thousand people, He
showed the abundance of provision that will be in the new creation.
Everyone who ate had enough, and there were even leftovers. Keep in mind,
Jesus didn’t need to provide food for this crowd who’d been following Him.
He could have sailed away from them in a boat, but instead, He had
compassion on them. He chose to provide a meal for this crowd and display
God’s love through service. • Naomi Zylstra
• Can you think of a time when you noticed God caring about a small detail?
• What do these two examples from the Bible (Deuteronomy 29:5 and Matthew
14:13-21) reveal about God’s love for us?
…the Lord says, “During the forty years that I led you through the
wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your
feet.” Deuteronomy 29:5 (NIV)
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