READ: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:12-22; 1 PETER 5:6-11
We are faced with countless decisions every day. What do I want for dinner? Should I read or play video games after work? Where do I go to college? Should I even go to college? Some life decisions are bigger than others, and they require more thought too. I can usually decide what I want for dinner by the end of the night, but larger decisions take more time.
So how do I make the big decisions in life? One of the things I do (or try to do) early on is pray about the decision. Throughout the Bible, God invites us to bring our concerns to Him because He cares about what we’re going through (1 Peter 5:7).
Jesus Himself would often take time alone to pray. Jesus is God the Son, and He lives in close relationship with God the Father. And because Jesus died and rose for us, everyone who puts their trust in Jesus can be in close relationship with God.
When I’m making decisions in my life, I can pray and ask God for His guidance on this decision. If I don’t get any sort of clarity (which unfortunately happens often) I can also consult with the trusted Christian friends and family in my life, especially if they’ve lived through the decision I’m going to make. And whenever I make a decision, I can trust that I serve an infinite God who can draw good out of any bad situation (Romans 8:28). One of the most comforting things is that God wants the best for me, and He cares about all my problems and all the decisions I face. Even the ones as small as what to have for dinner. • Naomi Zylstra
• When we have a decision to make, how could it be comforting to know that we can bring all our concerns to the One who loves us so much He was willing to give up His own life for us?
• Jesus will return one day and make all things new, and in the meantime He promises to be with us no matter what. God’s will for us is part of His great plan to renew heaven and earth at Jesus’s return. Day by day, He guides us through His Spirit, His Word (the Bible), and His people (the church). Who are trusted Christians you can talk to when you’re facing a tough decision?
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
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