Death feels so final and real. Death has been on my mind recently because I
have a family member who is not in good health. Once someone passes away,
we cannot get them back. But, death does not have to be the end.
Because God sent Jesus to die for us, death doesn’t have to be final. It
wasn’t final for Jesus; He rose from the grave! And it doesn’t have to be
final for us and those we care about. While we lose our
chance to be with someone when they die, if that person has put their trust
in Jesus and we have too, we can see them again when Jesus returns and
raises us from the dead.
Death can take someone from living here on earth, but, if they are a
Christian, they are still held in God’s love, and He promises to give them
new life. Death is in all of our futures (unless Jesus comes back during
our lifetime), but we can be prepared for it. We can have a relationship
with God through relying on Jesus for salvation, and we can look forward to
the day He will raise us to eternal life. We can know that He holds us even
in death. And we can share this hope with the people around us.
Death feels final, but it isn’t. When Jesus returns and raises us from the
dead, it will be the start of a new life in restored creation, a life that
will last for eternity. • Emily Acker
• Do you ever feel afraid of dying? Jesus Himself experienced death—both
the death of people He loved (like his friend Lazarus, see John 11:1-44)
and His own death on the cross. And Jesus overcame death, rising from the
grave and securing our resurrection and eternal life with Him when He
returns. How could these truths bring you comfort?
• When you have questions about death, who are trusted Christians in your
life you can talk to?
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for
today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can
separate us from God’s love. Romans 8:38 (NLT)
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