You’ve probably seen costume crowns made of plastic or cheap metal. But a true king’s crown is usually made of the finest metal and jewels. When it’s not on the king’s head, it is locked up under the highest security. Only the king is allowed to wear it. And kings only become kings by birth or by conquEsther Jesus is God’s only Son. God is the King of Kings, and so His Son should be His rightful heir. Yet, even though He is the rightful King of the universe, Jesus came to this earth as a humble baby, never demanding the riches or wealth He deserved. Jesus was given a crown while He was here on earth but it was not fancy at all. As Jesus approached His death on the cross, the authorities mocked Him. They had heard that He claimed to be a king, so they gave Him a crown of thorns. When they pressed it into His head, it caused Him to bleed. A crown is meant to give a king honor, but this crown was meant to mock the King of the universe. They even made a crude sign that said, King of the Jews and put it above His head while He died on the cross to take the punishment for sin. Yet, even as people mocked Him, King Jesus still sacrificed Himself to provide rescue to a world filled with evil and brokenness. And here’s the amazing part. The humble King who died to beat sin? He came back to life to beat death. As the risen King, He will return someday to live with His people forever. Melissa Yeagle Jesus could have come to earth and demanded to have a crown, palace, and riches right then. Why do you think He didn’t? Read Colossians 2:9-15. How is Jesus King by both birth and conquest? They twisted together a crown of thorns, put it on his [Jesus’] head, and placed a staff in his right hand. And they knelt down before him and mocked him: Hail, King of the Jews! Matthew 27:29 (CSB)
Read Verses:
Matthew 27:29-37
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