On many a Sunday morning, I find myself getting ready for church. I gaze at
my closet, filled with casual clothes for school, but nothing seems right
forchurch. I quickly grab a simple blouse and hurry downstairs. At church,
everyone seems well-dressed, happy, and eager to greet us at the door.
Somehow, I don’t feel comforted by their greetings. Instead, I feel like
they’re trying to deceive us with their perfect looks. All around me,
everyone’s life seems so perfect with their cookie-cutter nuclear families.
I find myself falling victim to the same plot I’ve fallen for many times.
Everyone is hidden behind an imaginary mask. We’re all tempted to focus
more on the outside of the people we’re around. We see they have more
money, married parents, and a smile on their lips. But we so often neglect
to see the whole picture—because the truth is, everybody is struggling.
It’s more important to prepare our hearts for the message of God than it is
to dress our bodies for a weekly meeting. But man, it’s easier to slap on a
pretty shirt than to open your broken heart.
God sees our scars deep within. He calls our hearts to be open to His
message. And He also calls us to see the broken beauty of others too. Jesus
said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to
call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are
sinners and need to repent” (Luke 5:31-32). Jesus came to heal the sick,
forgive the sinners, and fix the brokenness of this world that is all a
result of sin. He came to save us by dying on the cross and rising from the
grave for us. So, when we come to Jesus, we don’t have to be afraid to show
Him who we really are, without a mask. The Lord looks at our hearts, and He
sees that we all need Him to heal us from the inside. So He says, “Come to
me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you
rest” (Matthew 11:28).
When you find yourself wishing for someone else’s perfect life, remember
this: they have struggles too. And God is inviting all of us to come to Him
with open hearts, to just come as we are. • Corinna Kahrs
• In what ways are you tempted to compare yourself to others? How does
comparison distract us from the gospel (or good news) about Jesus and
loving each other as He loves us? (John 15:12)
• Who is a trusted Christian in your life that you feel safe being yourself
around, without a mask? (If no one comes to mind, you can ask God to reveal
someone in the future.)
“People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1
Samuel 16:7 (NLT)
Read Verses:
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