Change and the One Who Doesn't Change

August 31, 2024 00:04:52
Change and the One Who Doesn't Change
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Change and the One Who Doesn't Change

Aug 31 2024 | 00:04:52


Show Notes

READ: NUMBERS 23:19; PSALMS 100:5; 102:25-27; MALACHI 3:6

If you had asked me three years ago if I could ever see my life being what it is today, I would have given a definite “no.” At the time, my family—and world— were in a completely different place. The changes that I’ve gone through were unexpected and unrequested.

As you go through life, there are periods when big changes take place. Sometimes you’re expecting the changes, like when you start at a new school or when you graduate and it’s time to begin your adult life. And other times, changes seem to come out of nowhere. You might feel like your life is up in the air and you have no control over any of it.

As we face all kinds of changes, it’s important to remember that God doesn’t change. The One who made us and loves us—the One who wants so much for us to be with Him that He sent Jesus to die for us and rise from the dead—He remains the same through all the ups and downs. He has saved His people from sin and death, and He promises to return one day to make all things new and dwell with us forever. In the meantime, if we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can know that He has given us His Holy Spirit to live in us, providing strength, comfort, and God’s own presence.

Through all of the changes in my life, I have been left a little more in awe of God than I was before. One, because He brings me through the changes and helps me as I adjust. And two, because I see how He is right there, the same as He has always been, being that constant in my life that keeps me steady. • Emily Acker

• Are you ever overwhelmed by the changes happening in your life? God sees you. He loves you, and He is carrying you through these changes. He will never abandon you. There is nothing in the world, or beyond, that can shake His everlasting love for you (Romans 8:35-39). Because Jesus went to the cross for us, we can always rest in His care for us and in His sure forgiveness. How could it be comforting and steadying to remember God’s faithfulness in chaotic times? Can you think of any ways you’ve experienced His faithfulness? What was that like?

• When life feels chaotic and unpredictable, God invites us to bring these feelings to Him and ask Him to help us remember His steadying presence. He delights in answering these prayers. In addition to talking to God, who are trusted Christians you can talk to when you’re struggling to keep up with life’s changes—such as friends, parents, pastors, youth leaders, or counselors?

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (NLT) 

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