Have you ever witnessed an incredible storm? These amazing forces of nature
can be mind-blowing—and dangerous. One of Jesus’s well-known miracles
happened in this context. Because of the hills surrounding the Sea of
Galilee, this body of water was prone to sudden storms with fierce winds.
When Jesus’s disciples were taking a boat to the other side, a sudden storm
came over the high country surrounding the Sea of Galilee. Four of the
disciples were fishermen and knew how to handle these situations, but even
they panicked. And where was Jesus? That’s right, asleep in the stern,
exhausted after a full day of ministry. In a fearful state of mind, they
shook Jesus out of a deep sleep and demanded, “Teacher, don’t you care that
we are dying?” (Mark 4:38). The disciples wanted Jesus to do something,
even if they weren’t sure what it was. Jesus handled this situation as only
Jesus could. “Peace! Be still!” (verse 39). He spoke to the untamable,
unpredictable forces of nature with authority and certainty. This rough sea
became smooth as glass. On any body of water, it takes a period of time for
rough waves to gradually become calm; storms don’t just vanish. But when
Jesus commands, they do. The disciples witnessed something amazing about
Jesus that day; He commands all of creation. He is God in human flesh. We
serve the same Jesus who calmed the storm on that day. His mighty power is
still at work—in all of creation, and in every detail of our lives. • Doug
Velting • Can you think of a time you felt like Jesus’s
disciples—overwhelmed, confused, and scared? You can bring all these
feelings to Jesus, who loves you and died and rose again for you. In stormy
times, how could it be comforting to know that Jesus reigns over all of
creation? • Jesus has promised that He will return one day to renew and
restore creation, and His people will live and reign with Him forever
(Revelation 21:1-5). He also promised that He will be with us always
(Matthew 28:20). • When things in our world seem out of control, or even
deadly, how can Jesus’s promises give us hope? “Be still, and know that I
am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the
earth.” Psalm 46:10 (WEB)
Read Verses:
One of my friends was walking through a difficult time. While I was reading in Ezekiel 22, a phrase from verse 30 tugged at...
***Editor’s Note: Today’s story discusses abortion.*** “Please help me.†My best friend Emma looks panicked. My heartbeat races as I catch a glimpse of...
Curling up with a gripping read is something I love to do, and I’m blessed to regularly receive novels from family or friends so...