Have you ever assembled an aquarium? If so, you understand how certain requirements must be met to create an ideal habitat for fish. Some species require fresh water, others salt. Some thrive with companions; others prefer to live alone. Temperature must be adjusted, a bubbler installed, and the right kind of food provided. If your fish are to survive, you need to plan your aquarium very carefully.
God paid the same attention to detail when He created the earth. When we examine all the provisions He made for us to thrive on our beautiful planet, it becomes obvious these things didn’t spring up by chance. God created the earth specifically, with a very intentional design in mind. Consider just these few details:
• God created oceans full of water for us to use, as well as the weather patterns required to cycle it in usable Forms across the entire earth.
• God created a way to recycle oxygen so we’d never run out of breathable air.
• God covered the earth in a protective atmosphere.
• God set the earth in motion with precision. Longer days and nights would result in extreme temperatures and lock our water supply in a solid or gaseous state.
• When God tilted the earth on an axis, He extended the growing season far into the north and south.
Isn’t God amazing? None of the other planets can claim even one of these life-sustaining qualities, yet ours has them all! When we study God’s handiwork, we can see how wise, purposeful, and creative He truly is. • Michelle Isenhoff
• Can you think of other precise details within creation that give evidence of a Creator?
For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos. “I am the Lord,†he says, “and there is no other.†Isaiah 45:18 (NLT)
Read Verses:
Ephesians 1:3-14
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READ: PSALMS 31:20; 62:6-8; JUDE 1:1, 20-21; 2 TIMOTHY 4:18 It’s hard to feel safe. Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, many of...