Being a Light

March 22, 2020
Being a Light
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
Being a Light

Mar 22 2020 |


Show Notes

Bullying. It’s painful to experience. But here’s the thing: I don’t know bullying’s pain because I’ve been bullied. I know its pain because I have been the bully.

I’ve made fun of people. I’ve gossiped about people I didn’t like. I’ve secretly judged the so-called “losers.†But, because I was a Christian, I thought I was different from bullies. I wasn’t one of those people, right? But I was one of those people. I was a bully.

It took a long week—full of conviction, tears, and prayer—for Jesus to help me see that reality, changing my life and outlook. I realized I wasn’t just hurting the people I was mocking, teasing, gossiping about, and hating. I was hurting Jesus, the One who died for my sins, including bullying. I was not acting like I belonged to Him. I was taking God’s creations, made after His own image, and raising myself above them. Like I was better than them.

But I’m not. I’m a sinner, and I need Jesus’ grace—just like everyone else. Bullying is a sin because it forgets that every person was created in God’s image. Basically, making fun of other people is hating on God and His good creation.

As I sought to turn away from the sin of bullying, Jesus was with me—working in me to make me more like Himself. I apologized to the people I hurt. God was humbling me so I saw myself not as better than others but as equal to them in God’s eyes. I started to see people as wonderful, interesting creations of God Himself, even becoming friends with people who were still being hated on by others.

No matter how badly we’ve messed up, Jesus can restore us and use us to become a light to others who are struggling. He redeems us from our brokenness and gives us the opportunity to share His love and truth with others. • Natalie Gilkinson

• Why is it important that (1) God created all people in His image (Genesis 1:27) and (2) we are all sinners in need of Jesus (Romans 3:11-12, 23; 6:23)? How do these truths affect the way we see those around us?

• If you are a bully, are being bullied, or are seeing bullying happen, who is a trusted adult you can talk with about it?

• If you have questions about sin and how it affects all of us, check out our “Know Jesus” page.

Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all. Proverbs 22:2 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:13; Matthew 5:14-16

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