READ: PSALM 1; JOHN 1:1-14; ROMANS 15:4
Trying to understand the Bible can be…overwhelming. The more I learn about it, the more I realize I don’t know. And I find myself wondering if I’ll ever truly know the Bible—and the God it reveals.
If you’ve ever felt this way too, take heart. The Lord is with you. And He doesn’t expect you to get it all—especially your first time reading it. The Bible is meant to be read and listened to over and over. God designed it for us to discuss at length with others, learning from each other and encouraging one another in our walk with Jesus. Learning Scripture takes a lifetime, and even then, we won’t have everything right.
And in this lifelong endeavor to know Scripture, we are not alone. Generations of Christians have studied Scripture, and we can learn from their insights. Books, commentaries, study Bibles, websites, and videos contain immense riches of knowledge to help us know the Bible better. If you’re not sure where to start, try asking a pastor, youth leader, teacher, or parent. They will probably be thrilled to help you. You can also search out Bible study groups and classes to dig into Scripture with other people. Plug into your church and seek out wise people who are following Jesus. Ask lots of questions. Don’t try to go on this journey alone.
Along the way, we’ll bump into Scripture’s many mysteries. There are things we’ll never fully understand until we see Jesus face to face. But as we sit with these mysteries and dig deep into the message of Scripture, the Spirit is at work. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer, and even when we aren’t sure what a passage means, He is helping us know God better.
The whole of Scripture tells the incredible story of our loving God rescuing His people through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And while interpreting Scripture may take some work, that is a story worth knowing. It’s worth studying and mulling over and wrestling with until the story seeps deep into our bones. Because this story reveals the heart of God, and as we draw nearer, we see that His heart beats for us. • Taylor Eising
• What questions do you have about the Bible? Who can you talk to about these questions? Can you think of any resources that could help you understand the world of the Bible more, such as study Bibles, commentaries, websites, podcasts, etc.?
So the Word became human and made his home among us. He [Jesus] was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory. John 1:14a (NLT)
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