A Worm with a Purpose

April 21, 2023
A Worm with a Purpose
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
A Worm with a Purpose

Apr 21 2023 |


Show Notes

What are worms good for? Well, they help the earth breathe. As worms burrow through the ground, they let fresh air through the soil. The more they eat and digest the soil, the better it is for growing things. In little details like these, we can see glimpses of how amazing God is. The Creator has intricately woven His creation to work together, all of it bringing honor to Him.


Take the sun as another example that shows us God’s goodness. It’s just the right distance away from planet Earth so we can live. If we were just a little closer, animals and plants couldn’t survive the heat. But if we were a little farther away, we couldn’t survive the cold. And that’s not allas the Earth moves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, the seasons follow one another in splendorous order. Only God could have fashioned everything so well.


The beauty and complexity of nature points to our loving God, the One who made everything and makes it all work together. And, even though sin fractured creation in deep ways, we can still catch glimpses of the goodness of God in everything He has made.


As we stand in awe of creation, we can also marvel at how God became human and came to earth to live among us. He died on the cross to defeat sin, He rose from the grave to defeat death, and one day He will return and make all creation newso it’s no longer affected by sin, no longer held captive by death. Until that day, Jesus is holding all things together. Because of Him, all of creationdown to the smallest earthwormhas a purpose in God’s universe. A. W. Smith


What is one of your favorite parts of creation? How could this remind you of God’s goodness?


How could you find a way to spend time in nature today and marvel at some of the things God has made? As you notice what catches your attention, consider spending some time thanking God for what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel.


For in him [Jesus] all things were created all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16 (NIV)


Read Verses:

Genesis 1:1; Romans 8:20-Romans 8:22; Colossians 1:15-Colossians 1:19; Revelation 21:1-Revelation 21:5

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