A Well-Watered Garden

June 20, 2024 00:04:32
A Well-Watered Garden
Unlocked: Daily Devotions for Teens
A Well-Watered Garden

Jun 20 2024 | 00:04:32


Show Notes

READ: ISAIAH 58:6-12; JOHN 4:14; 7:38-39; GALATIANS 5:13-23

"Look over there, Jett—under those tall weeds!” Kyra jumped over a stream as she and her brother explored the area behind their new home. When they had lived by the sea, their family made their living as fishermen, but when the dragon wars encroached on their tiny coastal town, they had to flee inland. They hoped to make a fresh start in this new village in the Amplio valley. Kyra pushed aside some of the rough grass to get a better look. “Are those trata fruit?”

“Looks like trata fruit to me,” confirmed Jett. “Let’s pull up these weeds so we can see the plants better.” They began pulling the grass and thistles that had grown more than waist-high. Sure enough, they found other fruits and vegetables too. Kyra said, “Somebody must’ve planted this garden long ago. I’m surprised the trata plants survived in the middle of all these weeds.”

“Let’s work this garden instead of planting a new one,” Jett said, remembering their old garden back home. Its produce had helped them through many a tough time. “We’ll need to bring water from the stream—and the weeds will come back if we let them.”

Kyra paused thoughtfully. “You know something? I came across a verse in Isaiah this morning—‘You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.’ I’ve heard it said that Isaiah points to our need for Jesus. Remember how everyone who believes in Jesus has living water flowing inside us, and how He produces good fruit in our lives? As His people, I guess we’re His garden. I like thinking about how He’s the One watering that garden.”

Jett rubbed a trata leaf. “I want to be like that—producing fruit instead of thistles. I don’t want to cause harm, like the wars do. I want to bring good into the world. But every day, I keep finding more sin in my life—like how we’ll keep finding weeds in this garden. I know Jesus has already made us holy through His death and resurrection, but I can’t wait till He comes back and we won’t struggle with sin anymore.”

Kyra nodded. “Me too, but I’m also thankful the Spirit tends our hearts every day, rooting out the thorns of violence and greed so we can be people of mercy and kindness.” • A. W. Smith

• When we know Jesus, His Holy Spirit lives in us and works to produce good fruit in our hearts. What does this fruit look like? (Hint: read Galatians 5:22-23.)

• The Holy Spirit also makes us more aware of the sin in our lives. Consider taking some time in prayer, confessing any sin that comes to mind and resting in Jesus’s sure forgiveness.

“You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11 (NIV) 

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