As Christians, when we pray, we do so in faith. We can pray about anything, knowing we serve a God who loves us deeply (Hebrews 4:14-16; 1 Peter 5:7).
Hebrews 11 speaks about faith. It talks about how faith is not knowing exactly what’s coming but instead is trusting—because Jesus has promised, through His death and resurrection, that He is working all things for His good kingdom purposes (Romans 8).
Hebrews 11 shares several stories of people all throughout the Bible who demonstrated faith in God’s promise, even when they couldn’t see the details of what God was doing. All these people did things based on their faith in God but never saw what they did come to completion. But their stories live on forever because they were all a part of God’s greater story of salvation and redemption—a story that continues as all of God’s people await His return.
And the examples of stories of faith in God’s promises aren’t limited to Hebrews 11. The Bible shares all kinds of stories about how God has been fulfilling His promises in a variety of ways from day one—how He is saving people from sin and death and will one day eliminate those two forever.
So, when we pray, do we do it thinking we will get instant results and that everything will turn out our way? Or do we pray with faith, trusting in Jesus’ promises and knowing He is in control? • Bethany Acker
• Read Romans 8. What would it look like to pray in light of the promises shared in this chapter?
• Read Hebrews 11. How did the people mentioned in this chapter show their faith in the above promises?
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
Read Verses:
Jeremiah 29:10-11; Ezra 2; Nehemiah 7
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